Summer breeze


IMG_3497Summer has breezed by since our last entry and we have so much to be thankful for and so many people to thank for all the support we have received over the last handful of months. Some of the highlights include the amazing sale that the church held for our adoption which raised $2,618.00. God bless all of you who were involved in some capacity with that sale. In other fundraising efforts we’ve raised $593 in our t-shirt sale, $783 in Haiti jewelry sales. We still have some t-shirts left over and for a very short time have some Haiti jewelry as well, so please let us know right away if you’re interested.

and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Acts 2:45

It has been so much fun and so very uplifting to see our friends and family wearing these items! So far what we have raised is almost identical to the amount that we’ve been billed from the adoption agency. Praise God! We do have some very large expenses coming up once our home study is completed. Of course we have faith that God will take care of it as He has in every facet of this process.

Speaking of the home study, that phase as well as the paper chase phase is nearing completion! Over the summer we have been fingerprinted, background checked, physically and psychologically evaluated, etc. And I’m happy to report that we’ve past every test so far.

There have already been so many moments where God interceding and answering prayer right in the time that we needed Him most. He is so amazing!!

Once again thank you so much to everyone who has allowed the Spirit to move them and help us along our way.

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